Rabu, 28 April 2010

What Your Liver is Telling You

Our bodies thing. Even while sleeping, they have to rebuild a. New blood cells. The new bone cells. New tissue cells. neurons New! It's out with the old and the new year each. Sure, a number of tissues to replace more than others. The liver, for example, require renewal every three weeks or so.

Few surprises. As the largest organ in the body, the liver is busy 24 / 7 working to fulfill important enough. Among other things, he cleanses the body of toxins and bacteria, produces ndomlas to help sell food, and collects and stores important nutrients such as vitamins to our bodies for later use. With such a central role, is crucial for the liver to stay healthy. And that's why you need to rebuild so many times.

But even if the liver a large body, can not do everything alone. It is necessary to help every day.

What can you do?

The first thing is hear, as the liver during the regeneration process, when lay out all the signs are not good. Indigestion, constipation, moodiness, depression, impaired concentration, poor memory, brain fog - these are all signs that point to a sluggish liver. Although conditions such as fever, hives, hay, rashes and asthma symptoms that action is needed. So hypoglycemia - blood sugar levels unstable - that dizziness and light. These are also made for the symptoms can be liver problems.

With so many things go a healthy liver that is why I try to take into account the body each day, as I colon. And the daily action is very important to us - over 40!

Just as the colon, is seeking to clean the liver. But do not worry, it's easy to do.

First, start your day with freshly squeezed lemon in hot water. This helps to cleanse the liver and promote detoxification. It also stimulates the production ndomlas, cleans the stomach and bowel movement incentives bath.

This is a great drink recipe for liver that I recommend:

Morning Cleanse Liveris

1 large grapefruit
2 lemons
1 cup filtered water
1 tablespoon of flaxseed oil press cold
1 inch fresh ginger root
Dash of cayenne pepper (optional)
Squeeze the grapefruit and lemon juice in blender. Then grate the ginger and squeeze the juice of this. Add water and oil and mix for 30 seconds. Add more ginger.

Juice contains the most potent of all the ingredients to cleanse the liver, giving gentle wash. For best results, drink 30 minutes before breakfast.

If you're squeezed for time and want to keep it simple, try it:

Grapefruit hot water

3 1 / 2 cups boiling water
1 / 2 cup of fresh grape juice
Put water in a large bowl, mix the juice. Drink!

You can help the liver regenerative process through food and nutrients from your diet:

Fresh vegetable juices
Foods rich in chlorophyll wheat or barley grass juice powder, and spirulina and chlorella, or blue algae, wild greens in many cases, proved useful in clarifying a sluggish liver.
Garlic and onions: garlic is allicin, which is a sulfur-based compound in the liver are necessary for effective detoxification. garlic liver helps the body to eliminate mercury, certain food additives and hormones.

Fresh vegetables: Eat lots of new, lightly cooked or raw vegetables, especially dark green leafy vegetables, like other salsa, cabbage, watercress, cabbage, alfalfa and vegetables. Orange, yellow, red, and red colors of fruits and vegetables is also very good because they are living on top, fiber, vitamin C, natural antibiotic substances and anti-cancer phytonutrients.

The results of antioxidant High: blueberries, blackberries, strawberries and Laser tube rich in antioxidants that help protect the liver from the high levels of free roots that occur naturally during the detoxification process.

bitter foods: the bitterness of foods such as lion, arugula, endive, radicchio, watercress Sorrel and helps stimulate the flow of intra ndomlas liver.

Herbs: Dill, cumin seeds, garlic, onion, Bold, saffron and easy to use Cayenne in your food and can help protect the liver.

Dandelion root tea: the whole range of digestive tract. It's a great relief to be raised after the digestion of fat. Dandelion is also an excellent herb for weight loss, because leaves are diuretic and improves fat metabolism of the root.

Omega-3: Good sources of fats are important and ground flaxseed, flaxseed oil, walnuts, olive oil, borage oil, krill, Chia seeds, purslane, acai, algae, hemp seed oil, grape seed.

glasses of water Displaced 08.12 a day, because it helps the kidneys to eliminate toxins that the liver is divided.

Nuts, seeds, avocados: good food sources of polyunsaturated and monounsaturated fats are all less harmful to the liver or fat, saturated fat.

Drink hot lemon and good nutrition, nutritious. What could be easier?

Clean your liver is sluggish in lotions and potions. Applies to fuel company rich in nutrients that can and will keep him healthy. There are many rewards, and have a positive impact on all aspects of your life.

So listen to your liver. And working with him. Consider the lost opportunity if we do not exercise your body more healthy every day.

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