Sabtu, 24 April 2010

Heal Your Liver Naturally With Food

The liver is not the glamorous part of the body, but it is hard worker. Among many of his works are detoxification, protein synthesis and production of biochemicals needed for digestion. Is not attractive, but it is very important: You can not live without it. If you want to be healthy, keep the liver is functioning as it should be required.

To be honest, the liver has never been high on my list of health concerns. But after looking around a bit, I decided that perhaps deserves more attention, a little "more attention. But what can you do to the liver?

Well, obviously jumped on the "fix it" mentality. We decided that it was probably needed a liver detoxification is always something to do with toxins, dirt, and so on, so clean out seemed a good idea.

But WebMD has convinced me otherwise. They said that in fact "normal liver detox diet have little science to support them ... they are very restrictive and can cause damage ...."

Detox diets are restrictive and often impossible to sustain for more than a little 'time, and you shall be emptied, it can actually slow down your metabolism, and possibly deprive your body the necessary nutrients. Fasting can also become addictive, because it can cause "high", and if you have diabetes, hypoglycemia, eating disorders, heart conditions, the chronic condition, have a child, adolescent, elderly, pregnant or breast-feeding, forget it.

I decided to address the treatment of liver with a more cohesive, less aggressive policy. I decided to find out what my liver does not, what should I do for it.

So is it good for the liver? Foods that fight free radicals and promote the natural detoxification:

Apple apple pektín submit itself to heavy metals to help the body expels them.

Artichokes increase production of bile, which helps to move toxins through the bowel.

Beetroot contains folate (an important type of B vitamin that should be consumed daily) and, if consumed regularly, help clean the liver.

Bitter leafy vegetables (such as chicory, dandelion, endive, etc.) to help stimulate bile flow.

cruciferous vegetables (eg broccoli, Brussels sprouts containing, cabbage, cauliflower) phytochemicals that a breakdown of toxins such as helping the liver produce enzymes necessary for detoxification.

Garlic contains allicin, a sulfur-like compound that can support the liver of substances such as mercury and additives. If you do not like the smell of garlic, try taking garlic pills.

Other fruit (eg blueberries, grapefruit, plums, grapes, strawberries, oranges, melons, pears), containing all important antioxidants. Try to eat at least three portions a day.

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